It's not a truck... it's a machine.
The EDV was developed to fill a void that has existed in the industrial personnel carrier market. Many mining companies turn to “on-highway” technology to satisfy their personnel transportation needs, often modifying 4x4 trucks and using them in an environment for which they were not designed. While many trucks do very well rolling down a smooth ribbon of interstate with the occasional off- road excursion, they are not built for the demands of an industrial environment.
The EDV has been designed and built from the ground up with industrial grade off -road components. Thousands of service hours have been logged by our vehicles in the worst possible conditions, and through it all The EDV has proven it’s value by reducing downtime and having the lowest total cost of ownership when compared to other vehicles. Boasting the strongest frame in the industry and an impressive list of standard features, the EDV is sure to be your ride of choice in mining personnel transportation.